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FAQ's - Positive Behaviour Support

Feeling curious about Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)? You're not alone! Here are some of the most common questions we get, answered.

What is PBS? 

PBS is a person-centered approach that focuses on understanding the reasons behind challenging behaviours and finding positive strategies to address them. It aims to improve quality of life for both the individual and their support network. 

What are the benefits of PBS? 

  • Reduced challenging behaviours: PBS aims to address the root causes of behaviour, leading to a decrease in their frequency and intensity 

  • Improved quality of life: PBS promotes greater independence, empowerment, and well-being for individuals and their families 

  • Strengthened relationships: PBS supports positive interactions and communication between individuals and their support network 

  • Cost-effective: PBS can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to traditional methods of managing challenging behaviours 

Who can benefit from PBS? 

Individuals of all ages with a wide range of disabilities and challenging behaviours, including intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, mental health conditions, and neurological conditions. Families and carers who support individuals with challenging behaviours. 

What does PBS look like in practice? 

PBS involves gathering information about the individual, their needs, and the triggers for their challenging behaviours. Based on this information, our team develops a personalised PBS plan with positive strategies to address the behaviours. 

These strategies may include things like communication techniques, environmental adjustments, skill development, and positive reinforcement. The plan is implemented and monitored over time, with adjustments made as needed. 

Is PBS the same as punishment? 

No, PBS is very different from punishment. Punishment focuses on negative consequences for behaviours, while PBS focuses on understanding the cause and finding positive solutions. PBS prioritises building trust and promoting learning rather than using control or fear. 


Do you have a current waitlist time for PBS practitioners? 

Our current waitlist is approximately two to three weeks, unless the participants’ need is deemed as urgent, we will then work with the participant and their family/carers quickly.  


Do you offer an option of face to face or online appointments? 

Yes, we offer both face to face and online appointments to be able to tailor the support to the individual participant.  


Do you work with participants in Regional Vic?  

Yes, we have a Positive Behavioural practitioner who can provide support to Bendigo and surrounding regions.  


Can I have my other support carers with me at my appointments? 

Yes of course, we strive to offer personalised support and care and want you to feel comfortable and supported.  

 How can I learn more about PBS?


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